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Nevis’ Story

Originally named Rufus by us but now called Nevis, was found running in the road with no collar or microchip. We managed to catch him and took him home with us so that he was safe. Nevis was instantly found to be a bundle of fun, excitement and love. He showed affection straight away and adored being fussed. He quickly learnt to sit but he preferred laying down and rolling on to his back for belly rubs.

Nevis had an amazing character and played well with all the other dogs in the foster home. He just wanted to be near you and to snuggle up for cuddles. It wasn’t long at all before Nevis got spotted and was reserved to fly to the UK. He now has the most incredible Forever Family who say he is loved by everyone who meets him and is treated as if he were their first born child! He goes everywhere with them - on the train and to the pub, but also goes on loads of adventures. Offroad cycling, where he runs alongside the bike, hiking across hills and mountains and travelling around in his families camper van. He has even been on a paddle board! Nevis has the most amazing and active life now and is absolutely adored by his family.

Nevis when we found him

Nevis recovering in foster care

Nevis with his Forever Family