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Nala’s Story

Nala was found abandoned in a supermarket car park. She was in a terrible state and it was clear she was suffering from the effects of the usual illnesses caused by parasitic insect bites. We took her to the vets and got her started on treatment immediately.

Nala began to recover very quickly whilst in foster care. Her skin, fur and eyes started to heal and her true character started to shine! She turned out to be a little princess! She loved a comfy cushion or sofa to sleep on and was the most affectionate and loving girl who just wanted to spend her time cuddled up to her foster family

After 9 months in foster care she was finally spotted and adopted by her amazing Forever Family in the UK. She continues to learn and grow and has been on numerous adventures but still loves a comfy cushion and loving cuddles with her new human siblings and their mum and dad.

Nala when we found her

Nala recovering in foster care

Nala with her Forever Family