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Goofy’s Story

Goofy, now called Ludo, was found as a stray having most likely been hit by a car and left to die! He was taken immediately to Dr. Michalis Pelekanis Veterinary clinic where they found he had a head injury and a broken leg. Goofy had surgery to fix his leg and was taken in to foster by Kiveli.

Goofy is the most beautiful dog with bright blue eyes and a pink nose! His coat colouring is also so special it just added to his beauty and many people, including us, just fell in love with him. He recovered so well and soon was able to have the metal fixations removed from his leg. It also became apparent that Goofy was at least partially if not fully deaf. Once Goofy was fully healed he was promoted for adoption and had no end of interest! The most wonderful family was found and Goofy was prepared for his flight to the UK. His new family were so excited to meet him and he instantly settled in. He loves playing with his new doggy siblings as well as his human ones too. He has such a wonderful life now surrounded by so much love and play and has even won awards!! Thank you so so much to his amazing Forever Family for giving him the best life he could have ever dreamed of. To see where he was when we found him to where he is now is just another example of why we do what we do!

Goofy when we found him

Goofy recovering in foster care

Goofy with his Forever Family