Make a Donation

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Your Support Saves Lives!

Every single donation goes directly to the care, treatment, and safety of our rescued dogs. Without your help, ​we simply couldn’t cover our essential costs. Here’s how your contribution makes a difference:

Vet Bills: Each rescued dog receives medical care, including blood tests, microchipping, neutering, and urgent ​treatments for injuries like broken bones.

Safe Boarding: With our foster homes at capacity, we often rely on private boarding to ensure every dog has ​a safe place to stay. This alone costs over €600 per month.

We urgently need your support to keep up with these rising expenses. Every donation, big or small, directly saves ​a dog’s life. Thank you for being a hero to the helpless!

You can make a payment in UK Pounds (£), Euros (€), or US Dollars ($). Choose a one-time payment or ​set up a monthly recurring payment.

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